Download Apps From Www.Getjar.Com Using Pc!
To do that you need:
1)The Firefox Web browser (obviously)
2)The User Agent Switcher add-on
3)At least one mobile device user agent
4)WordPad(Not NotePad!)
1)Download and install Firefox if you don’t already have it installed
2)Download and install the User Agent Switcher add-on
In Firefox, go to Tools -> Default User Agent -> User Agent Switcher -> Options:
1)Click New, choose New User Agent
2)Description:, type Nokia E71 or your device name
3)User Agent:, type User Agent
3)Click Ok
User Agent: To achieve true mobile browsing in Firefox, we need to configure the user agent. To obtain a user agent, type “Nokia E71 user agent” or whatever device you are looking for into a search engine. This generally finds the user agent you are after. For now try Nokia E71's user agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaE71-1/110.07.127; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413
Now go to Tools -> Default User Agent. You will now see Nokia E71 User Agent or your device name in the list:
Click on Nokia E71 User Agent. Return to the menu and you should see it is highlighted as the user agent of choice.
You are now ready to test mobile site via Firefox.
Now visit and download any App from there on pc. And:
1)After Download open that App using WordPad.
2)Locate the text ‘MIDlet-Jar-URL:’ and copy the URL next to it.
3)Paste this URL in your browser and you will get the JAR file.
1)The Firefox Web browser (obviously)
2)The User Agent Switcher add-on
3)At least one mobile device user agent
4)WordPad(Not NotePad!)
1)Download and install Firefox if you don’t already have it installed
2)Download and install the User Agent Switcher add-on
In Firefox, go to Tools -> Default User Agent -> User Agent Switcher -> Options:
1)Click New, choose New User Agent
2)Description:, type Nokia E71 or your device name
3)User Agent:, type User Agent
3)Click Ok
User Agent: To achieve true mobile browsing in Firefox, we need to configure the user agent. To obtain a user agent, type “Nokia E71 user agent” or whatever device you are looking for into a search engine. This generally finds the user agent you are after. For now try Nokia E71's user agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaE71-1/110.07.127; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413
Now go to Tools -> Default User Agent. You will now see Nokia E71 User Agent or your device name in the list:
Click on Nokia E71 User Agent. Return to the menu and you should see it is highlighted as the user agent of choice.
You are now ready to test mobile site via Firefox.
Now visit and download any App from there on pc. And:
1)After Download open that App using WordPad.
2)Locate the text ‘MIDlet-Jar-URL:’ and copy the URL next to it.
3)Paste this URL in your browser and you will get the JAR file.
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